Tuesday 1 July 2008

Leaving On A Jet Plane

A good friend of mine is packing up, lock, stock and barrel & kids & taking a slow boat to China ( well, her's will be of the pressurised flying varitey, lol ). Her husband is being moved to his companys Shanghai office for eighteen months to two years or more. I shall miss our coffee afternoons and lunches, book swaps, sitting by the river putting the world to rights and generally having a good giggle.

Front cover of the book

As a small leaving gift I have made her a book in which to record her life in Shanghai. Because the cover is removable she will be able to replace the book each time she fills it.

The book opened out

The front and back of the book are made from fabric with a mixed media strip inserted each side of the hand dyed felt spine. The feathers were free machine stitched as were the rows of hearts and loops.

Detail from the spine, free machine feathers a la Rikki Timms

On the plus side to her leaving she has promised to keep her eyes open for unusual and exciting treasures of the fabric variety for me. Knowing Hills she will have sussed out the markets etc within the first couple of weeks of being there!


dot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dot said...

Oh my think i deleted my comment inadvertantly when i just wanted to sort out a typo!! Anyway will leave it again... Come to the conclusion you may have been practicing your feathers, they're great, think i'd like a masterclass, you can add it to our list. I think Hill's will be delighted and treasure the gift, it's lovely.

Val said...

My word Mandi - this is just gorgeous and I love all those feathers (and the other stuff too of course)! What a lucky lady your friend is. Val

I'm Deborah said...

Mandi, love the feathers! Your free machining is beautiful......